Mission & Vision

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father an the Son and the Holy Spirit.

- Matthew 28:19

The Mission

At Lifeline, our mission is simple yet profound: Love People. It's a calling that drives everything we do. We believe in reaching out to our fellow brothers and sisters, embracing our community with open arms, and fostering a deep connection with God. 

The Vision

Reach Up
Love God. Love the Word. Passionate Worship.
Hear and Live the Word.
Reach In
Love People. Find and Pursue Purpose. Going After Destiny. Individual Greatness. Training. Equipping. Growth and Development. Breeding Ground
Reach Out
Evangelize the World. Make Disciples - Discipleship. Heaven’s Agenda. Matthew 25 Ministry. Love People. Demonstration of Power (Holy Spirit).